The first step to fixing a problem is admitting you have one, right? Well I admit, I have never been one to clean much. Ever since I was little, I always cut corners and did the bare minimum, so I never really learned good cleaning habits. My husband was in for a nice surprise when we moved in together, and ever since then, I have been trying my best to make the house look like I've been cleaning, when in reality, I just move the mess from one area to the other. [FYI: He has never been fooled]
When I was pregnant, I literally accomplished nothing but eating, napping, and watching TV. Bones, I think was the kick I was on at the time, but that is neither here nor there! I didn't have a job, I didn't cook, the Mister would get off work, and I would just then start thinking about dinner plans, most of the time we wouldn't have ingredients anyway. I made absolutely zero effort to make our apartment a home. My habits really hadn't changed much from then to now.
Recently however, it's really started to hit me. I don't know if it's because we bought our first house this past year [*celebrate!*] or the fact that my little bundle went from making only the messes that I allowed, to throwing toys and food anywhere and everywhere, all the time, but I had a revelation!
I need to get clean!
Not just clean, I need to get organized, I need to get motivated, I need to accomplish something! Not just for my sake, but for my husband and my child! If I am sitting at home all day and the only thing I get done is finish another season of something on Netflix, what could I possibly say for myself? What kind of habits am I teaching my brilliant little man? Nothing worth repeating, that's for sure. On the days that I do accomplish some small task, who do I have to share it with? Of course my husband will listen to me and be proud, but really, how many times can can I expect him to tell me he's glad I got the house clean when we would rather that just be the normal state of things, not a special occasion!
On top of that, my husband is just about to leave for a deployment, and I am going to need a nice, streamlined system in place in order to keep my head. I am going to need projects to keep me busy, and I am going to rely on those moments of pride and success when I see another project I have been meaning to do for months finally crossed off my list. I want letters to my husband to be filled with things like, "Guess what I accomplished today!" and "Remember how I wanted to do this forever? Well guess what, It's finally done!!!" Unfortunately, while I can send letters every day, I know he won't be able to read them right away, and I can't expect a constant stream of letters back. I know better than to expect that much communication. As much as I would love it, it's just not practical.
That, my new friends, is where you come in. I want to share my accomplishments with you! I want to hear about your accomplishments! A new recipe you tried that everyone loved, a new way to clean your windows that really didn't leave streaks! Anything and everything that makes you feel good, no matter how tiny! In return, I will tell you all about the transformation I am undergoing! From clueless new mom, to house-wife extraordinaire!
I look forward to sharing more with you!